GLASRA Assignors
GLASRA Assignors are appointed by the GLASRA Board to assign members matches for specific teams, schools, clubs, and leagues.
MHSAA Assigning is done through Arbiter. The high school assignor must add you to his assigning group.
US Soccer Affiliated and Non-Affiliated Leagues are all assigned through RefInsight. You do not need to contact assignors who use Ref Insight. Once certified, your name will be visible to all Michigan assignors.
Please be sure to reach out to the appropriate assignor for specific league questions.

MHSAA Assignor
(High School Games)
Assigning Program: Arbiter
Once you have registered through MHSAA, contact Doug through his direct contact form.
Regional MSPSP (Michigan State Premier Soccer Program)
Lansing/Jackson AreaMMMSL
(Mid-Michigan Men's Soccer League)
Assigning Program: RefInsight
CASL (Capital Area Soccer League)
MSDSL (Michigan Developmental Soccer League)
MMYSL (Mid-Michigan Youth Soccer League)
WSSL (Western Suburban Soccer League)
Assigning Program: RefInsight
Doug Cook
Dena Conine
Scott Carney
Stephan Holland
Not All Local Matches Are Assigned By GLASRA
State Cup (SC), Junior State Cup (JRSC), MIDA (Michigan Developmental Academy): Joshua Pederson
NLC (National League Conference), ECNL (Elite Club National League): Francisco Villarruel
MLS Next: Yuya Kiuchi
There are statewide leagues with designated assignors for local matches.